Certified Diamonds

Certified Diamonds

Diamond certificates, more accurately known as diamond grading reports, are commonly provided with the purchase of a significant piece of diamond jewellery such as a diamond engagement ring or a diamond three stone ring. These reports are prepared by independent, certified gemologists from laboratories around the world and can help calculate the specific characteristics of your diamond (for instance, colour, cut, clarity and carat weight).

A diamond grading report will include a plotted diagram of your diamond and significant characteristics, including the 4Cs (cut, colour, clarity and carat weight). The report will also describe the diamond’s shape, exact measurements, proportions and depth percentages as well as grade the polish and symmetry. The report should also comment on the characteristics like fluorescence, raining, and any inclusions in the diamond. However, a grading report does not include an appraisal or any kind of statement of monetary worth of the diamond. Grading reports simply state the scientific facts of your diamond that can be evaluated by highly standardised criteria.

Certification of a diamond does not increase the value of your diamond. Certification is only a safeguard for the consumer as it is affirmation of your diamond’s authenticity and specific characteristics. Since each diamond is unique, a certificate will help you identify the special characteristics of your diamond.

For more information and to purchase certified diamonds please visit the jewellery studio.

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